The day started with us launching the boat @ burma road in Middletown, RI @ 2:00. We then ran up past prudence island on the way up through the bristol harbor en route to the providence river when we saw the birds. Where there are birds, there are fish. Looking @ the birds we are thinking lets snag some porgys. We grab the porgy snaggers and start casting our porgy snaggers past the splashing water. I hook on to what i thaught was our first fish on (porgy), well the splashes we see and fish i snagged with my huge treble hook is not a porgy, its a STRIPER, got him to the boat and lost him 3 feet away. We can't believe it was'nt a porgy it was a striper. Long story short, we put the poppers on, 3 keepers,1, 32 inches, and 2, 31 inch STRIPERS. They were not chasing porgy, they were chasing little 3 inch minnows, unreal early striper action MAY 5 2:30 mouth of the bristol harbor, THANKS AGAIN MARK FOR ANOTHER FANTASTIC DAY